Nemzetközi WS szimpózium 2005
International Williams Syndrome Symposium
June 25, 2005, Fonyód, Hungary
Morning session: chairperson: Pléh Csaba
09:00-09:40 Memory functions in Williams syndrome.
(Racsmány M., Lukács Á., & Pléh Cs.)
09:45-10:25 Lack of sleep – Lack of learning in WS?
(Kovács I., Pogány G., Kozma P.)
10:30-11:10 Memory profiles in children with Williams syndrome
(Vicari S., Finzi A, Carlesimo G.A.)
11:15-11:55 Numerical abilities in Williams Syndrome
(Krajcsi A, Racsmány M, Igács J, Pléh Cs.)
12:00-12:40 Behavioural and personality characteristics of adolescents and adults with WS.
(K. Jariabková, I. Ruisel, V. Bzdúch)
Afternoon session: chairperson: Kovács Ilona
14:00-14:40 Using Hungarian language as a tool to clarify language – thought relations in impaired populations.
(Pléh Cs., Lukács Á.)
14:45-15:25 Reading and reading related skills in WS.
(Yonata Levy)
15:45-16:25 Conceptual Development in Williams syndrome: living things and artifacts
(Lukács Á.)
16:30-17:10 Experiences from an EU project
(Pogány G.)
17:15-18:00 Living with Williams syndrome
(Romm H.)